Attention All Mothers!

Attention all mothers, you have powerful instincts…use them!We all know that animals in the wild often only have their instincts but for some reason we believe that because we have brains our instincts should be ignored. Moms are bombarded daily with decisions...

Reconsider the Flu Shot

The whole premise of the flu shot is a problem because flu virus strains are constantly mutating and there is no way for researchers to determine this year’s flu strainAccording to the Centers for Disease Control, The National Institutes of Health, and 30 years of...
Feed A Cold, Starve a Fever?

Feed A Cold, Starve a Fever?

Actually it is Feed a Virus, Starve a BacteriaAccording to New Scientist, January 2002, “Dutch scientists have found that eating a meal boosts the type of immune response that destroys the viruses responsible for colds, while fasting stimulates the response that...